• Ngbaka ITEM #: 5517 ETHNICITY: Ngbaka ORIGIN: Democratic Republic Of Congo NGBAKA MASK The Ngbaka people of the Democratic Republic of Congo are renowned for their intricate and unique style of mask art.
  • Ngbandi ITEM #: 5583 ETHNICITY: Ngbandi ORIGIN: Democratic Republic of Congo NGBANDI PROTECTIVE FIGURE: Some of these Ngbandi protective figures even embody the Ngbirondo spirit and serve as protectors of the village.
  • Nyamwezi ITEM #: 5613 ETHNICITY: Nyamwezi ORIGIN: Tanzania NYAMWEZI ZITHER: This Nyamwezi zither, or 5-string harp, comes from the largest ethnic groups in north-central Tanzania.
  • Nyamwezi ITEM #: 2676 ETHNICITY: Yombe ORIGIN: Democratic Republic of Congo NYAMWEZI ZITHER: This Nyamwezi zither, or 5-string harp, comes from the largest ethnic groups in north-central Tanzania.
  • Nyamwezi ITEM #: 55046 ETHNICITY: Nyamwezi ORIGIN: Tanzania NYAMWEZI ZITHER: This Nyamwezi zither, or 5-string harp, comes from the largest ethnic groups in north-central Tanzania.
  • Ogoni ITEM #: 3591 ETHNICITY: Ogoni ORIGIN: Eastern Niger Delta OGONI ELU MASK: The Ogoni Eli mask was used to narrate tales of lore with its iconic hinged jaw that rattles with motion.
  • Bambara ITEM #: 55020 ETHNICITY: Bambara ORIGIN: Mali BAMBARA CHIWARA FEMALE: The Chiwara headdresses were worn in dances at the beginning of the rainy season (or when a fallow field was re-seeded) to assure a good harvest.
  • Baule ITEM #: 55042 ETHNICITY: Baule ORIGIN: Cote D'Ivoire BAULE COLONIAL FIGURE: An early, hand-carved and hand-painted colonial, wooden colonial figure in a formal suit and a jaunty pose by the Baule people of Ivory Coast.
  • Baule ITEM #: 55043 ETHNICITY: Baule ORIGIN: Cote D'Ivoire BAULE COLONIAL FIGURE: An early, hand-carved and hand-painted colonial, wooden colonial figure in a formal suit and a jaunty pose by the Baule people of Ivory Coast.
  • Songye ITEM #: 4095 ETHNICITY: Songye ORIGIN: Democratic Republic of Congo SONGYE KIFWEBE MASK: Embrace the Songye Kifwebe female mask as a centerpiece for the culturally avid collector, or let it stand as a symbol of authority and the transformative power of tradition in your space.
  • Yaka ITEM #: 55026 ETHNICITY: Yaka ORIGIN: Democratic Republic of Congo YAKA NDEEMA MASK:

    Wonderful old Yaka Ndeema Mask from the Jean-Pierre Hallet Estate Collection.  Masks of this genre were used in the initiation rites of the young boys coming of age.

  • ITEM #: 4510 ETHNICITY: Dogon ORIGIN: Mali SEATED DOGON FEMALE FIGURE: A key figure is the seated Dogon female figure, representing the Primordial Couple, source of authority in their society supported by eight nommos.
  • Senufo ITEM #: 5608 ETHNICITY: Senufo ORIGIN: Cote D'Ivoire SENUFO HELMET MASK: In traditional Africa, helmet masks like this Senufo Helmet Mask were used not only as protection but also to show status or rank. They were carved from wood, cast in bronze or woven and embellished with horns, symbolic forms, cloth, cowries, metal strips, and beads..
  • Senufo ITEM #: 2719 ETHNICITY: Senufo ORIGIN: Ivory Coast SENUFO TUGUBELE FIGURE An Exceptional Senufo Figure.
  • Songye ITEM #: 4036 ETHNICITY: Songye ORIGIN: Democratic Republic of Congo SONGYE KIFWEBE NKISI: This Kifwebe style power figure (nkisi) was crafted by the Songye, Nkisi (singular) and Mankishi (plural), to resist wizardry and witchcraft.
  • Chokwe ITEM #: 4598 ETHNICITY: Chokwe ORIGIN: Democratic Republic of Congo / Angola CHOKWE SHIELD The shield showcased here originates from the Chokwe Peoples of the Democratic Republic of Congo and Angola.
  • Luba ITEM #: 4599 ETHNICITY: Luba ORIGIN: Democratic Republic of Congo LUBA KIFWEBE SWORD The shield showcased here originates from the Luba Peoples of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
  • Suku ITEM #: 2635 ETHNICITY: Suku ORIGIN: Democratic Republic of Congo SUKU DIVINATION CUP Suku cups were passed down in a matrilinear succession and generations of use resulted in the shiny old patinas that are the characteristic.
  • Suku ITEM #: 5526 ETHNICITY: Suku ORIGIN: Democratic Republic of Congo SUKU FETISH FIGURE This Suku fetish figure (as called in older literature) or power figure, is attributed to the Suku/Yaka people of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
  • Asante ITEM #: 1570 ETHNICITY: Asante ORIGIN: Ghana MANILLA CURRENCY Each Asante had a personal Asante stool with designs showing social status, gender, and even political affiliation.


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