ITEM #: 5699 ETHNICITY: Baule ORIGIN: Cote D'Ivoire BAULE MBRA MONKEY MASK: This Baule Mbra Monkey Mask is more popularly known as Gbekre, from the Baule people of Cote d'Ivoire.
ITEM #: 5698 ETHNICITY: Idoma ORIGIN: Nigeria IDOMA 'ALUSI' FIGURE: The present figure depicting one such 'divine being', also known as 'Alusi', clearly belongs, on the grounds of its stylistic features, to the southern settlement area of the Ibo (Onitsha region): This specimen is impressively antiquated with a weathered patina. The coiffure is an icon pattern of threaded hair braid common among West Africans.
ITEM #: 3342 ETHNICITY: Makonde. ORIGIN: Tanzania. MAKONDE MATERNITY FIGURE: Of a large, irregular, shaped head with Makonde trade mark facial scarifications, this female Makonde maternity figure is believed to represent the common female ancestor, the life-force of the early Makonde households of matrilineal kinship but headed by men.
ITEM #: 4510 ETHNICITY: Dogon ORIGIN: Mali SEATED DOGON FEMALE FIGURE: A key figure is the seated Dogon female figure, representing the Primordial Couple, source of authority in their society supported by eight nommos.