• Turkana ITEM #: 2165 ETHNICITY: Turkana ORIGIN: Kenya TURKANA HEADREST: This headrest was carved by the Turkana from Kenya and was used to keep the head elevated when sleeping in order to preserve the elaborately woven coiffures.
  • Yombe ITEM #: 2707 ETHNICITY: Yombe ORIGIN: Democratic Republic of Congo YOMBE PRESTIGE SPOON: A wonderful Yombe African Spoon, ceremoniously presented to the most hospitable woman of the villiage to distribute rice to fellow villiagers after harvest.
  • Yoruba ITEM #: 40001 ETHNICITY: Yoruba ORIGIN: Nigeria YORUBA BEADED CROWN: The awe-inspiring crowns worn by Yoruba kings in Nigeria are some of the most impressive beaded objects in Africa.
  • Yoruba ITEM #: 55057 ETHNICITY: Yoruba ORIGIN: Nigeria YORUBA BEADED SASH: This beaded sash represents the profound spiritual garments worn by Ifa priestesses during sacred ceremonies.


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