• Yaka ITEM #: 2702 ETHNICITY: Yaka ORIGIN: Democratic Republic of Congo YAKA M'BWOOLO FETISH FIGURE A Yaka M'Bwoolo Fetish figure, used by diviners in the healing and protection rituals that they held, also used by families and vliages to ward off evil.
  • Kongo ITEM #: 2619 ETHNICITY: BaKongo ORIGIN: Democratic Republic of Congo BAKONGO NKISI FIGURE BaKongo Nkisi serve many purposes, some are used in divination, many are used for healing, while others insure success in hunting, trade or sex.
  • Namji ITEM #: 5544 ETHNICITY: Namji ORIGIN: Cameroon NAMJI DOWAYO DOLL: An old Namji Dowayo Doll from Cameroon. These Namji Dowayo, are fertility dolls , gifted to brides, and are belived to enhance the bride’s fertility.
  • African Art

    BAULE RAM MASK: Two ram heads, a smaller version above a larger one, carved in very high relief on a plank. The zoomorphic forms are carved with long, medial planes and slanted eyes, with long, ridged, spiraled, white painted horns.
  • Turkana ITEM #: 2165 ETHNICITY: Turkana ORIGIN: Kenya TURKANA HEADREST: This headrest was carved by the Turkana from Kenya and was used to keep the head elevated when sleeping in order to preserve the elaborately woven coiffures.
  • Makonde ITEM #: 3342 ETHNICITY: Makonde. ORIGIN: Tanzania. MAKONDE MATERNITY FIGURE: Of a large, irregular, shaped head with Makonde trade mark facial scarifications, this female Makonde maternity figure is believed to represent the common female ancestor, the life-force of the early Makonde households of matrilineal kinship but headed by men.
  • Bena Lulua ITEM #: 5560 ETHNICITY: Bena Lulua ORIGIN: Democratic Republic of Congo BENA LULUA FIGURE: A Bena Lulua power figure, with a dual finial extension from the head, the hairstyle a departure from characteristic Lulua statuary, standing on two lumpy feet, heavy hips and full rounded buttocks, arms carved in openwork, hands resting on a protruding abdomen.
  • Toma ITEM #: 5564 ETHNICITY: Toma ORIGIN: Guinea TOMA LANDAI POST: These posts relate to the often quite large, Toma masks, which represent the forest spirit known as Landai.
  • Bena Lulua ITEM #: 2680 ETHNICITY: Bena Lulua ORIGIN: Democratic Republic of Congo BENA LULUA FIGURE: A male Bena Lulua figure with a horn-surmounted domed head, a trance-like expression, a columnar neck, arms framing his body, thick, straight legs. The neck is adorned in interlocking low relief cicatrices, with random scarifications on the expansive forehead, face, and abdomen.
  • Idoma ITEM #: 5698 ETHNICITY: Idoma ORIGIN: Nigeria IDOMA 'ALUSI' FIGURE: The present figure depicting one such 'divine being', also known as 'Alusi', clearly belongs, on the grounds of its stylistic features, to the southern settlement area of the Ibo (Onitsha region): This specimen is impressively antiquated with a weathered patina. The coiffure is an icon pattern of threaded hair braid common among West Africans.
  • Senufo ITEM #: 5608 ETHNICITY: Senufo ORIGIN: Cote D'Ivoire SENUFO HELMET MASK: In traditional Africa, helmet masks like this Senufo Helmet Mask were used not only as protection but also to show status or rank. They were carved from wood, cast in bronze or woven and embellished with horns, symbolic forms, cloth, cowries, metal strips, and beads..
  • Tabwa ITEM #: 5598 ETHNICITY: Tabwa ORIGIN: Democratic Republic of Congo TABWA MPUNDU FERTILITY DOLL: Tabwa Mpundu dolls are associated with Tabwa fertility rituals. As in this case, they are usually half-torso wooden dolls carved with a zoomorphic upper body on a long finial base.
  • Yoruba ITEM #: 4512 ETHNICITY: Yoruba ORIGIN: Nigeria YORUBA SHANGO DANCE WAND: A Yoruba Shango dance wand like this was carried by devotees at the annual festival of Shango and on other ritual occasions. On this fine, the subject is carved as a suppliant female devotee of Shango, the Yoruba thunder deity.
  • Yoruba ITEM #: 4509 ETHNICITY: Yoruba ORIGIN: Nigeria YORUBA GELEDE MASK: These somewhat idiosyncratic wooden headdresses used in Yoruba Gelede ritual dances balanced symmetry and proportion..
  • Mambila ITEM #: 2645 ETHNICITY: Mambila ORIGIN: Cameroon MAMBILA TADEP FIGURE: This Mambila Tadep figure comes from eastern Nigeria and western Cameroon. It serves as an abode for ancestral spirits and is normally kept on a family altar at a ritual experts hut (suaga).
  • Nyamwezi ITEM #: 5613 ETHNICITY: Nyamwezi ORIGIN: Tanzania NYAMWEZI ZITHER: This Nyamwezi zither, or 5-string harp, comes from the largest ethnic groups in north-central Tanzania.
  • Songye ITEM #: 4036 ETHNICITY: Songye ORIGIN: Democratic Republic of Congo SONGYE KIFWEBE NKISI: This Kifwebe style power figure (nkisi) was crafted by the Songye, Nkisi (singular) and Mankishi (plural), to resist wizardry and witchcraft.
  • Kuba ITEM #: 5605 ETHNICITY: Kuba. ORIGIN: Democratic Republic of Congo KUBA BONGO MASK: The Kuba Bongo mask is one of three in the hierarchy of Kuba royal Bushoong dynasty masks.
  • Vai ITEM #: 4501 ETHNICITY: Vai ORIGIN: Sierra Leone, Liberia. PORO SOCIETY MASK: The Poro is the secret society for men, responsible for initiating boys into manhood, This Poro Society Mask was used in initiating ceremonies by the Baga.


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