• Lwalwa ITEM #: 55017 ETHNICITY: LwaLwa ORIGIN: Democratic Republic of Congo LWALWA MVONDO MASK: Lwalwa masks mesmerize with their impeccable composition, featuring an angular nose, prominent mouth, and intricately slotted eyes. .
  • ITEM #: 5505 ETHNICITY: Makonde ORIGIN: Tanzania MAKONDE FIGURE: This unique art form, encompassing household objects, figures, and masks, originated in the Makonde plateau.

  • Makonde ITEM #: 3342 ETHNICITY: Makonde. ORIGIN: Tanzania. MAKONDE MATERNITY FIGURE: Of a large, irregular, shaped head with Makonde trade mark facial scarifications, this female Makonde maternity figure is believed to represent the common female ancestor, the life-force of the early Makonde households of matrilineal kinship but headed by men.
  • Makonde ITEM #: 5615 ETHNICITY: Makonde ORIGIN: Tanzania MAKONDE SIMBO STAFF Adorned with intricately carved figurative heads or figures, a Makonde Simbo Staff was commissioned by Makonde men as a symbol of prestige.
  • ITEM #: 55034 ETHNICITY: Mambila ORIGIN: Nigeria, Cameroon SEATED DOGON FEMALE FIGURE: Mambila Tadep figures, more than just carved wood, they are homes for ancestral spirits. These spirits, the guardians of planting and harvest seasons, hold the key to the Mambila's abundant agricultural life.
  • Mambila ITEM #: 2645 ETHNICITY: Mambila ORIGIN: Cameroon MAMBILA TADEP FIGURE: This Mambila Tadep figure comes from eastern Nigeria and western Cameroon. It serves as an abode for ancestral spirits and is normally kept on a family altar at a ritual experts hut (suaga).
  • ITEM #: 9003 ETHNICITY: Various ORIGIN: West Africa MANILLA CURRENCY The manilla currency bracelet was the most common form of metal currency in West Africa.
  • ITEM #: 241 ETHNICITY: Hargreaves Ntukwana (1938 - 1998) ORIGIN: South Africa NAME Mathematician (Watercolor and Ink on Paper).
  • Mbole ITEM #: 2311 ETHNICITY: Mbole ORIGIN: Democratic Republic of Congo MBOLE CURRENCY ANKLET: This Mbole anklet, and incredibly designed pieces like it, served as pieces of currency in the Congo. They were used for rare, but major transactions.
  • Mbole ITEM #: 4044 ETHNICITY: Mbole ORIGIN: Democratic Republic of Congo MBOLE CURRENCY ANKLET: This currency anklet, created by the Mbole, served as pieces of currency in the Congo. They were used for rare, but major transactions.
  • Mbole ITEM #: 2226 ETHNICITY: Mbole ORIGIN: Democratic Republic of Congo MBOLE CURRENCY ANKLET: This currency anklet, created by the Mbole, served as pieces of currency in the Congo. They were used for rare, but major transactions.
  • Mbole ITEM #: 4040 ETHNICITY: Mbole ORIGIN: Democratic Republic of Congo MBOLE CURRENCY ANKLET: This currency anklet, created by the Mbole, served as pieces of currency in the Congo. They were used for rare, but major transactions.
  • Mambila ITEM DESCRIPTION: Mfunte Currency Blade ITEM #: 4020 ETHNICITY: Mambila ORIGIN: Nigeria / Cameroon MANILLA CURRENCY The Mfunte currency blade was the most common form of metal currency for the Mambila people in Nigeria and Cameroon.
  • Mambila ITEM DESCRIPTION: Mfunte Currency Blade ITEM #: 4019 ETHNICITY: Mambila ORIGIN: Nigeria / Cameroon MANILLA CURRENCY The Mfunte currency blade was the most common form of metal currency for the Mambila people in Nigeria and Cameroon.
  • Mambila ITEM DESCRIPTION: Mfunte Currency Blade ITEM #: 4020 ETHNICITY: Mambila ORIGIN: Nigeria / Cameroon MANILLA CURRENCY The Mfunte currency blade was the most common form of metal currency for the Mambila people in Nigeria and Cameroon.
  • Mossi ITEM #: 2255 ETHNICITY: Mossi ORIGIN: Burkina Faso MOSSI BIGA FERTILITY DOLL These Mossi Fertility dolls, known as Biga (doll child), were often carved for female children. The belief was that the doll kindled maternal instincts in them.
  • Mossi ITEM #: 4505 ETHNICITY: Mossi ORIGIN: Burkina Faso MOSSI BIGA FERTILITY DOLL African Fertility doll like this fine old Mossi Fertility doll, known as Biga (doll child), were often carved for female children. The belief was that the doll kindled maternal instincts in them.
  • ITEM #: 489 ETHNICITY: Hargreaves Ntukwana (1938 - 1998) ORIGIN: South Africa NAME Mother & Child (Watercolor and Ink on Paper).
  • Mumuye ITEM #: 2801 ETHNICITY: Mumuye ORIGIN: Nigeria MUMUYE LAGALAGANA RATTLE: This Makonde harp, or 5-string zither, comes from Tanzania.
  • Namji ITEM #: 5544 ETHNICITY: Namji ORIGIN: Cameroon NAMJI DOWAYO DOLL: An old Namji Dowayo Doll from Cameroon. These Namji Dowayo, are fertility dolls , gifted to brides, and are belived to enhance the bride’s fertility.


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