• Dinka ITEM #: 9003 ETHNICITY: Various ORIGIN: West Africa MANILLA CURRENCY The manilla currency bracelet was the most common form of metal currency in West Africa.
  • Dinka ITEM #: 9003 ETHNICITY: Various ORIGIN: West Africa MANILLA CURRENCY The manilla currency bracelet was the most common form of metal currency in West Africa.
  • Dinka ITEM #: 9003 ETHNICITY: Various ORIGIN: West Africa MANILLA CURRENCY The manilla currency bracelet was the most common form of metal currency in West Africa.
  • ITEM #: 2716 ETHNICITY: Dogon ORIGIN: Mali DOGON DYOUGOU SEROU FIGURE: This Dogon African art figure represents Dyougou Serou and is shown hiding his face in his hands in shame for his misdeed.
  • ITEM #: 55010 ETHNICITY: Iron Oil Lamp ORIGIN: Mali DOGON IRON OIL LAMP: Introducing the captivating Old Dogon Iron Oil Lamp from the Dogon People of Mali, used in practical and ritualistic functions in households.
  • ITEM #: 4035 ETHNICITY: Dogon ORIGIN: Mali DOGON NDULERI FIGURE: This Dogon Nduleri style nommo figure comes from the western side of the plateau.
  • Ewe ITEM #: 5547 ETHNICITY: Ewe ORIGIN: Ghana EWE VENAVI FIGURE: These Ewe Venavi dolls serve multiple purposes, including protection after the loss of a twin, as well as being cherished children's toys.
  • Ewe ITEM #: 3541 ETHNICITY: Ewe ORIGIN: Ghana EWE VENAVI FIGURE: These Venavi dolls, treasured by the women who once owned them, were often kept hidden under mattresses, wrapping fertility's potent hope in quiet slumber..
  • Luba ITEM #: 55011 ETHNICITY: Luba ORIGIN: Democratic Republic of Congo LUBA CARYATID HEADREST: The Luba Caryatid Headrest is a remarkable object that belonged to the privileged class of the Luba people in earlier times.
  • Fante ITEM #: 5567 ETHNICITY: Fante ORIGIN: Ghana FANTE MATERNITY FIGURE A standing Fante female maternity figure carved out of light wood in quintessential Akan/Ashanti/Fante doll style and painted on light color.
  • Guro ITEM #: 3551 ETHNICITY: Guro ORIGIN: Cote D'Ivoire GURO ELEPHANT MASK: The Guro Elephant masks has supernatural powers that protected the village and its inhabitants against witchcraft, drought, famine, disease, and other threats.
  • Hemba ITEM #: 55028 ETHNICITY: Hemba ORIGIN: Democratic Republic of Congo HEMBA MWISI GWA SO'O MASK: This mask is a masterclass in symbolism, its striking features depicting the dual essence of the chimpanzee-human spirit.
  • Hemba ITEM #: 5570 ETHNICITY: Hemba ORIGIN: Democratic Republic of Congo HEMBA SIGITI ANCESTOR FIGURE: Explore the essence of Hemba tradition with the Hemba Singiti Ancestor Figure – an authentic, rare treasure that encapsulates the spiritual connection and artistic finesse of African heritage.
  • Hemba ITEM #: 4514 ETHNICITY: Hemba ORIGIN: Democratic Republic of Congo HEMBA SIGITI FIGURE: This exquisite work of art reflects the venerated status of a bygone patriarch, symbolizing a bridge between eras and realms.
  • Idoma ITEM #: 5698 ETHNICITY: Idoma ORIGIN: Nigeria IDOMA 'ALUSI' FIGURE: The present figure depicting one such 'divine being', also known as 'Alusi', clearly belongs, on the grounds of its stylistic features, to the southern settlement area of the Ibo (Onitsha region): This specimen is impressively antiquated with a weathered patina. The coiffure is an icon pattern of threaded hair braid common among West Africans.
  • Idoma ITEM #: 2527 ETHNICITY: Idoma ORIGIN: Nigeria IDOMA IKPOBI MASK: This Idoma mask, known as an ikpboi mask, belongs to the younger men's age-grade associations, though today, an Ikpobi mask is used in funeral ceremonies.
  • ITEM #: 5599 ETHNICITY: Igbo ORIGIN: Southern Nigeria IGBO COIL CURRENCY: The Igbo coil varied in length by the number of coils, thus varying the value of the Igbo coil bracelet.
  • Kongo ITEM #: 5545 ETHNICITY: Kongo ORIGIN: Democratic Republic of Congo KONGO FIGURE: A figure carved by the Kongo or BaKongo intended for protection.
  • Kongo ITEM #: 55021 ETHNICITY: Kongo ORIGIN: Democratic Republic of Congo BAKONGO PFEMBE FIGURE A Fine Kongo Maternity Figure (Pfemba)
  • ISBN #: 8874396074 PUBLISHER: 5 Continents PAPERBACK: 168 Pages KOTA: VISIONS OF AFRICA Immerse yourself in the splendor of Kota ancestral art with "Kota: Visions of Africa". Perfect for admirers and scholars of African creativity, this book serves as a beacon of cultural reverence and scholarly depth for collections across the globe. Make it a centerpiece of your array by welcoming it into your trove today.


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