ITEM #: 35003 ETHNICITY: Winiama ORIGIN: Burkina Faso WINIAMA MASK: This exquisite Winiama Mask is not just a mask, but a gateway to a rich cultural history, steeped in tradition and ceremonial honor.
ITEM #: 3546 ETHNICITY: TIkar ORIGIN: Cameroon TIKAR STOOL: Within the Tikar community, the stool is more than just a piece of furniture. It's a symbol of power and authority, an emblem of leadership. To the untrained eye, a Tikar stool might seem like a simple seat, but each groove, pattern, and curve carry a weight of significance.
ITEM #: 55032 ETHNICITY: Lega ORIGIN: Democratic Republic of Congo LEGA SAKIMATWEMATWE FIGURE: This multiheaded figure known as Sakimatwematwe (Many-Heads), a striking part of the Jean-Pierre Hallet collection.
ITEM #: 4510 ETHNICITY: Dogon ORIGIN: Mali SEATED DOGON FEMALE FIGURE: A key figure is the seated Dogon female figure, representing the Primordial Couple, source of authority in their society supported by eight nommos.