ITEM #: 35003 ETHNICITY: Winiama ORIGIN: Burkina Faso WINIAMA MASK: This exquisite Winiama Mask is not just a mask, but a gateway to a rich cultural history, steeped in tradition and ceremonial honor.
ITEM #: 55032 ETHNICITY: Lega ORIGIN: Democratic Republic of Congo LEGA SAKIMATWEMATWE FIGURE: This multiheaded figure known as Sakimatwematwe (Many-Heads), a striking part of the Jean-Pierre Hallet collection.
ITEM #: 4510 ETHNICITY: Dogon ORIGIN: Mali SEATED DOGON FEMALE FIGURE: A key figure is the seated Dogon female figure, representing the Primordial Couple, source of authority in their society supported by eight nommos.
ITEM #: 55034 ETHNICITY: Mambila ORIGIN: Nigeria, Cameroon SEATED DOGON FEMALE FIGURE: Mambila Tadep figures, more than just carved wood, they are homes for ancestral spirits. These spirits, the guardians of planting and harvest seasons, hold the key to the Mambila's abundant agricultural life.